Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The "Terrible Twos"

Kayla is feeling much better now that most of her seroma has drained, but that also means she's a lot more active. I feel like I'm constantly worried about what she's going to do next -- try to jump on the couch, run around too much, fall off the bed. I seriously feel like I'm an over-protective parent watching over a toddler!

It is good to see Kayla back to some of her old ways though :)


  1. Yaay so glad Kayla is feeling better. She'll be back to normal once she starts licking Pox!

  2. Lick lick. I was just looking at this video of Kayla yesterday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOomc8jkX8g&list=PLFDC275684F117E73
